Read the full article on Cape Gazette’s website here.
Wednesday, October 5: Detoxing the Natural Way with Dr. Uday Jani, internal medicine physician and Fellow in Integrative Medicine. While exposure to toxins in the air we breathe and water we drink may be unavoidable, you can protect yourself with smart choices. Join Dr. Jani for an informative talk about how the right foods and nutrients can eliminate toxins from your body and restore overall wellness. This program will be health at the Lewes Public Library, 3 to 4:30 p.m. To register, go to:
Saturday, October 22: Integrative Medicine Conference for Prescribers of Opoids at the Lewes Public Library. Presenters will outline the problem and offer evidence-based, non-pharmacological methods for easing pain and stress. Karyl Rattay, MD, Delaware Director of Public Health, and Dr. Uday Jani, internal medicine physician and Fellow in Integrative Medicine, will be the keynote speakers. Find out more or register, by calling (302) 645-3528.
Wednesday, November 2: Beyond Calories and Exercise – New Insights on Taming Obesity with Dr. Uday Jani. Join the discussion on obesity and hear a new perspective on the myriad factors affecting your weight and how you can find balance. This program will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at the Lewes Public Library. To register, go to:
Wednesday, December 7: Life in the Middle Ages: Understanding Male Menopause with Dr. Uday Jani. More than a mid-life crisis, aging males deal with a host of issues ranging from a depressed libido and erectile dysfunction to increased risk of prostate problems. Dr. Jani offers strategies and advice for coping. This program will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at the Lewes Public Library. For more information or to register, go to: