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My Message
Dear Patients,
Since the time I was a young boy I have been interested in “healing.” I can remember a debate with my grandfather about whether my tonsils should be removed surgically, as he believed, or whether there might be an equally effective homeopathic remedy, as I believed. Thus from an early age, it was clear to me there were different medical options for most ailments.
In medical school I was educated to practice conventional medicine… trained to follow what the current research and data indicated, and to focus on disease-oriented medicine. I learned that while one symptom may have many causes, in most cases there are equally as many options for treatment. This led me to further my medical education, and so I completed a two year Integrative Medicine fellowship in 2012 at the University of Arizona under Dr. Andrew Weil, the renowned founder of Integrative Medicine.
Throughout my years in Delaware, my practice had been blessed with continued growth and I found myself with many more patients who wanted to see me than I was able to care for. I attribute this to my strong commitment to providing the highest quality medical care, and the personal relationships I have developed with my patients. My passion is to always do what is truly best for my patients.
But I wanted more…and believed my patients deserved more. The current system rewards volume and speed, not quality and compassion. I came to realize I needed more time with each patient….time to step back and get to know the whole person, time to work together as a healthcare partner, and time to focus on healing, not just curing a patient when they are ill.
Therefore, I changed my medical practice to reflect a more personalized approach…one that is truly patient focused. I am now able to take care of each patient in a comprehensive manner and be fully dedicated to their needs. Now, each time I see a patient, not only are all the presenting issues addressed, but there is time for all we want to say, all that I can teach and exploring all we can do together.
I am very excited to return to the way I believe the practice of medicine should be. Please join me!
Uday Jani, MD, FACP