Frequently Asked Questions
My goal is to provide the highest quality medical care and service, emphasizing a proactive, comprehensive approach to both disease prevention and wellness. I aggressively attempt to prevent medical illnesses before they occur. These services are provided in a relaxed, professional setting. I want you to be completely satisfied with every aspect of your care.
Dr. Jani’s Credentials
- Shoreview Personalized Medical Care, 2013- Present
- Private Practice, Shore View Medical, 2002-2013
- Active Staff, Beebe Medical Center, 1998-present
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, 2013-2016
- Fellowship, Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, 2010-2012
- Director, Integrative Health, Beebe Medical Center, 2011-present
- Chairman, Medical Department, Beebe Medical Center 2005-2008
- Board Certified, American Board of Internal Medicine, Certified 1998, Recertified 2008
- Residency, Internal Medicine, North Shore University Hospital, New York, 1995-1998
- MD, Residency in Internal Medicine, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, India 1991-1994
- MBBS, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, India 1985-1991

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